Obey Harmony

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Obey Harmony Print

Year: 2011
Run Size: 450
Part of Set: none
Size: 18x24
Paper: unknown
Print Type: Screen Print
Release Date: 10/25/2011

This print originally retailed for $55, with proceeds benefiting the David Lynch Foundation.

From Obeygiant.com:

I learned to meditate a couple years ago, and I've found the practice very beneficial in decreasing my stress levels and improving my mental health. I'd highly recommend trying it out. Proceeds from the HARMONY print will benefit the David Lynch Foundation. -Shepard

The David Lynch Foundation was established by filmmaker David Lynch in 2005 to teach meditation to inner-city youth, veterans and their families with post-traumatic stress, incarcerated adults and teens, and Native Americans on reservations. The Foundation also funds independent research on the benefits of the technique for reducing stress and anxiety and developing resiliency and health. Learn more at davidlynchfoundation.org.

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